Tools to Help Black Women Lead with Caution in their Pursuit of Beauty Products


It is no secret that black women are crucial to the survival of the beauty industry, having spent over $7.5 billion annually on beauty products…yes we said $7.5 BILLION! Black women spend more on skincare and cosmetics then any other group, often due to complications of finding the right products for their skin. According to the Environmental Working Group less than one-fourth of products marketed to black women scored low in potentially hazardous ingredients in comparison to products marketed to the general public. With the largest organ in the human body being our skin it is constant exposed to toxic ingredients which are then absorbed into the bloodstream. If this isn’t alarming we don’t know what is, black women’s coins are going to these companies, but how many of them truly care about your health and well being?

Here at SYT we challenge you to take a deeper look at the products on your bathroom sink with the help of these tools and resources. Scroll below on how to get more tea on what your products are hiding ☕️


Skin Deep Cosmetic Cosmetic Database

Skin Deep by the Environmental Working Group is an easy to use public database. Here you can search a multitude of different products on the market to see EWG’s rating of how harmful the ingredients in the product are.


EWG’S Living Health App

Simple. Download the app 1) Scan a product 2) Get the review 3) Make a conscious decision


Think Dirty App

What they do, “ We empower ingredient conscious consumers to choose the safest beauty, personal + household products!” Barcode scan over 500,000 products that are in their database. Here you can get more information on those complicated words found in ingredient lists.